Envisaged as a dual construction process, production will initially unfold in the virtual realm before manifesting in the physical realm. The redefinition of functional tests on production equipment will be driven by virtual simulations and commissioning models. The innovative use of head-mounted augmented reality displays is set to significantly reduce safety and training costs, thereby transforming the landscape of worker training.
On the production line, connected devices will empower operators with real-time data, facilitating informed decision-making on OEE optimization, equipment maintenance, and plant upkeep. The ongoing evolution of industrial IoT holds the promise of advancements in traceability, seamless supply chain integration, and an elevated focus on workplace safety and health. These advancements align seamlessly with the manufacturing sector’s ESG and lean manufacturing objectives.
At NovintiX, we play a crucial role in expediting time to market by leveraging cutting-edge technologies, capitalizing on product services, and delivering engaging customer experiences. Furthermore, our expertise extends to the meticulous automation of operations across design, manufacturing, supply chain, and aftermarket, aligning seamlessly with the vision of autonomous factories and a fully connected ecosystem. Our manufacturing proficiency establishes us as the preferred ally for global product companies aiming to expedite time-to-market, reduce operating costs, and deliver outstanding products to their customers through meticulous adherence to parts-to-specification processes.
Empower innovative solutions and provide best in class services to our customers & employees.